BillingPlatform, the enterprise revenue lifecycle management platform for today’s innovative business models, today announced it was named to the Constellation ShortList™ for Smart Services Digital Monetization Platforms for Q3 2023. The technology vendors and service providers included in this program deliver critical transformation initiative requirements for early adopters and fast-follower organizations.
BillingPlatform ist die einzige Abrechnungs- und Ertragsmanagementlösung auf dem Markt, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, jede Art von Produktangebot zu monetarisieren, von einfachen Abonnements bis hin zu ausgeklügelten nutzungsbasierten Preismodellen und allem dazwischen. BillingPlatform unterstützt den gesamten Lebenszyklus des Monetarisierungsprozesses - von der Produkteinrichtung, Angebotserstellung, Rechnungsstellung und -erstellung, Umsatzerfassung bis hin zu Zahlung und Inkasso - alles auf einer sicheren Cloud-Plattform der nächsten Generation. Die unvergleichliche Flexibilität der Plattform gibt Unternehmen die Kontrolle darüber, wie sie sich auf dem Markt differenzieren, die Rentabilität maximieren, die Betriebskosten senken und das Kundenerlebnis verbessern können.
“Coming off the heels of a record-breaking Q2 for BillingPlatform, we’re honored to be shortlisted in Constellation’s Smart Services Digital Monetization Platforms”, said Dennis Wall, BillingPlatform CEO. “The key to our success is our relentless pursuit of delivering the most flexible and innovative revenue lifecycle management solution on the market with out-of-the-box integrations to major enterprise systems and the security and cloud scale that today’s global enterprises demand on their digital transformation journey.”
“Constellation’s 6000+ buyers have begun a rationalization and optimization process for their investments. CXO’s are consolidating capabilities and reducing the number of vendors they work with,” said R “Ray” Wang, chairman and founder at Constellation Research. “As they move to core platforms, they are also seeking the best of breed solutions that bring unique business capabilities to market for their business. This year’s shortlists take into account this shift and identify which solutions truly stand out.”
Constellation Research advises leaders on leveraging disruptive technologies to achieve business model transformation and streamline business processes. Products and services named to the Constellation ShortList meet the threshold criteria for this category as determined through client inquiries, partner conversations, customer references, vendor selection projects, market share and internal research. The portfolio is updated at least once per year as the analyst team deems necessary based on market conditions.