BillingPlatform Agility Apps

Increase Business Agility

BillingPatform announces a new way to dramatically increase billing agility with Agility Apps – a library of prebuilt business components, widgets, and reports that you can drag and drop onto your layout or dashboard. This feature is designed to give each user everything they need to easily manage their customers, billing, or any other aspect of their business – quickly – in one place.

Each widget can be used Out-Of-The-Box or easily cloned and modified to meet your specific needs. BillingPlatform Agility Apps feature the same Role and visibility settings leveraged throughout the application, allowing you to assemble global dashboards that present role-specific content based on each viewer or record type. Benefits of this new feature include:

  • Better Ease of Use
  • Improved Visibility
  • Increased Productivity
  • Consolidated Business Functionality
  • Mobile Accessibility

BillingPlatform provides a quick, easy way to simplify and consolidate business tasks with drag and drop features for every industry, size, and geography. For more information please visit:

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