Take Billing to the Next Level with Web Toolkit

BillingPlatform WebToolkit

BillingPlatform takes agile billing to the next level with the introduction of the new, Web Toolkit. The web toolkit makes any user interface and associated processing possible on the fly with its lightweight, robust design and rapid application development framework. Quickly and easily design powerful widgets to greatly enhance your app.

Web Toolkit Advanced Capability

The platform has always made it easy to customize data, business logic and processing using its built in configuration and design features. The web toolkit advances this capability, allowing companies to quickly accommodate any type of UI preference. Consolidate processing needs with a framework that reduces what would normally take thousands of lines of code into just a few simple tags and JavaScript commands to create powerful productivity tools for your end users.

Our philosophy is to remove all barriers to progress – making companies and their valuable employees as agile and productive as possible with the most comprehensive billing and rating platform on the market. The platform is built on the most flexible application framework of any major cloud billing competitor today. With powerful features like the web toolkit, we make it easy to quickly scale your business any way you need to with the highest level of quality – right now – eliminating lengthy and expensive change cycles.

In this fast-paced economic environment it’s not enough for a billing system to simply churn out invoices and process payments. It’s all about keeping pace with an ever-changing world of products and services and aligning the associated processes, management and support to make that possible. With today’s level of complexity and change its important to simplify potentially cumbersome and laborious business processes. It’s equally important to empower your product, billing and service reps with apps that help them do their jobs with ease. This gives them quick and convenient access to the systems, data and tools they needed to give your customers the best service possible.

How Companies Are Leveraging the Toolkit

Here a few examples of how companies are already leveraging the BillingPlatform Web Toolkit to streamline complex business processes:

  • Leverages the toolkit to simplify the complex assembly of customer-specific, B-2-B pricing packages across a catalog of over 1000 products and services with multiple tiers and rate overrides.

Ports and Logistics firm

leverages the toolkit to create the ability to manage approval processes for hundreds of demurrage invoices in bulk, and calculate time-based rating splits across several cargo containers according to pricing tiers, discount periods and holidays across an adjustable date range.

European transportation provider

creates a consolidated UI that integrates a trouble ticketing system, product usage, payments, and user web access management into a single account management UI for reference at several, multi-lingual kiosks across several European cities.

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