
Aligning Price to Value: Mastering the Operational Complexities that come with Consumption-based Pricing Models


As companies look for new ways to grow revenue, aligning the way they price their products and services to the value customers receive has never been more critical. But doing that isn’t easy! It can also present a number of challenges you need to overcome to be effective, like:

  • Genaue Berechnung des Verbrauchs von Dienstleistungen
  • Verwaltung großer Mengen von Nutzungsdaten
  • Automatisierung des gesamten Lebenszyklus der wiederkehrenden Einnahmen

Join Doug Hamm, BillingPlatform’s Principal Solutions Engineer for this session to learn best practices for overcoming the operational complexities of incorporating consumption-based pricing into your pricing mix. All while adding value to the customer experience. You don’t want to miss this one!

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