For the 3rd consecutive year, BillingPlatform appears on the Inc. 5000 with three-year revenue growth of 296%
DENVER – August 15, 2023 – BillingPlatform, the enterprise revenue lifecycle management platform for today’s innovative business models, today announced that it has been ranked No. 1,892 on the Inc. 5000 annual list, the most prestigious ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in America. The list provides a data-driven look at the most successful companies within the economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent, entrepreneurial businesses. Facebook, Chobani, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia and many other household name brands gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000.
BillingPlatform ist die einzige Abrechnungs- und Ertragsmanagementlösung auf dem Markt, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, jede Art von Produktangebot zu monetarisieren, von einfachen Abonnements bis hin zu ausgeklügelten nutzungsbasierten Preismodellen und allem dazwischen. BillingPlatform unterstützt den gesamten Lebenszyklus des Monetarisierungsprozesses - von der Produkteinrichtung, Angebotserstellung, Rechnungsstellung und -erstellung, Umsatzerfassung bis hin zu Zahlung und Inkasso - alles auf einer sicheren Cloud-Plattform der nächsten Generation. Die unvergleichliche Flexibilität der Plattform gibt Unternehmen die Kontrolle darüber, wie sie sich auf dem Markt differenzieren, die Rentabilität maximieren, die Betriebskosten senken und das Kundenerlebnis verbessern können.
“We’re honored to be recognized as a fast-growing company by Inc. 5000 for a third year in a row,” said Dennis Wall, BillingPlatform CEO. “And our growth continues to accelerate with Q2 2023 being our largest bookings quarter ever as we continue to add major enterprises worldwide to our customer list. Being named to the Inc. 5000 also further validates our innovative platform approach and continued dedication to our customers and partners.”
The Inc. 5000 class of 2023 represents companies that have driven rapid revenue growth while navigating inflationary pressure, the rising costs of capital and seemingly intractable hiring challenges. Among this year’s top 500 companies, the average median three-year revenue growth rate ticked up to an astonishing 2,238 percent. In all, this year’s Inc. 5000 companies have added 1,187,266 jobs to the economy over the past three years.
“Running a business has only gotten harder since the end of the pandemic,” says Inc. editor-in-chief Scott Omelianuk. “To make the Inc. 5000—with the fast growth that requires—is truly an accomplishment. Inc. is thrilled to honor the companies that are building our future.”
For complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, location and other criteria, go to The top 500 companies are featured in the September issue of Inc. magazine, available on newsstands beginning Tuesday, August 23.
About Inc.
Inc. Business Media is the leading multimedia brand for entrepreneurs. Through its journalism, Inc. aims to inform, educate, and elevate the profile of our community: the risk-takers, the innovators, and the ultra-driven go-getters who are creating our future. Inc.’s award-winning work reaches more than 50 million people across a variety of channels, including events, print, digital, video, podcasts, newsletters, and social media. Its proprietary Inc. 5000 list, produced every year since 1982, analyzes company data to rank the fastest-growing privately held businesses in the United States. The recognition that comes with inclusion on this and other prestigious Inc. lists, such as Female Founders and Power Partners, gives the founders of top businesses the opportunity to engage with an exclusive community of their peers, and credibility that helps them drive sales and recruit talent. For more information, visit
For more information on the Inc. 5000 Conference & Gala, slated for October 31 – November 2 in San Antonio, visit
Über BillingPlatform, Corp.
Die Monetarisierungsplattform von BillingPlatform für Unternehmen gibt innovativen Unternehmen die Freiheit, Produkte und Dienstleistungen effektiv zu monetarisieren, was zu Wachstum und Wettbewerbsdifferenzierung führt. Unsere branchenführende, cloudbasierte Plattform passt sich an jedes einzigartige Geschäftsmodell und jede Preisstruktur an. Mit globalen Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen, einschließlich Kommunikation, Transport, Fertigung, Bankwesen, Technologie, Energie, Medien und Software, verarbeitet BillingPlatform jedes Jahr Milliarden von Transaktionen und Dollars und ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ihre Einnahmen zu steigern, Kosten zu senken und die allgemeine Kundenerfahrung zu verbessern. Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie