Independent analysis from leading market research firm analyzed 21 technology vendors across seven product and customer experience criteria for enterprise subscription management
DENVER – April 18, 2023 – BillingPlatform, the enterprise monetization platform for today’s innovative business models, today announced that Ventana Research, a leading technology research and technical advisory services firm, has ranked BillingPlatform as the Overall Leader and an “Exemplary Vendor” in its 2023 Subscription Management Value Index report. In a detailed market analysis evaluating 21 vendors, Ventana Research writes, “BillingPlatform was categorized as an Exemplary Vendor and was the overall leader in this Value Index evaluation. It ranked first in Product Experience where it was designated a Value Index Leader in Usability, Reliability and Capability.”
The Subscription Management Value Index is a quantified, research-based index designed to assess the maturity of software vendors and products and their value for enterprise use in subscription management. Structured to replicate an RFI/RFP process by incorporating all criteria needed to evaluate, select, utilize and maintain technology and relationships with vendors, the report is an assessment of how well vendors’ offering will address enterprise buyers’ requirements for subscription management software.
“Enterprises across industries are looking to transform and modernize their businesses to accelerate revenue with new subscription-based business models,” said Stephen Hurrell, VP & Research Director in the Office of Revenue at Ventana Research. “As our Subscription Management Value Index shows, BillingPlatform is a technology leader with a range of connectors to more easily integrate into existing ERP, CRM and other systems so enterprises can add and manage new sources of revenue without negatively impacting the customer experience.”
BillingPlatform ist die einzige Abrechnungs- und Ertragsmanagementlösung auf dem Markt, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, jede Art von Produktangebot zu monetarisieren, von einfachen Abonnements bis hin zu ausgeklügelten nutzungsbasierten Preismodellen und allem dazwischen. BillingPlatform unterstützt den gesamten Lebenszyklus des Monetarisierungsprozesses - von der Produkteinrichtung, Angebotserstellung, Rechnungsstellung und -erstellung, Umsatzerfassung bis hin zu Zahlung und Inkasso - alles auf einer sicheren Cloud-Plattform der nächsten Generation. Die unvergleichliche Flexibilität der Plattform gibt Unternehmen die Kontrolle darüber, wie sie sich auf dem Markt differenzieren, die Rentabilität maximieren, die Betriebskosten senken und das Kundenerlebnis verbessern können.
“The combination of being named the overall leader in both Ventana’s Subscription Management Value Index and Forrester’s recent SaaS Recurring Billing Solutions Wave provides independent and expert validation of our clear technology leadership,” said Dennis Wall, CEO of BillingPlatform. “As Ventana noted, our innovative product experience and strong ROI are fueling our growth and momentum with enterprise customers across industries and around the world.”
BillingPlatform has earned many accolades this past year, including being recognized as the Leader in Forrester Research’s “The Forrester Wave™: SaaS Recurring Billing Solutions, Q1 2023,” named to Constellation Research’s Smart Services Digital Monetization ShortList™ for 2022, positioned as an Automated Revenue Management Market Leader by MGI Research and named a leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Enterprise-Focused Subscription and Usage Management Applications 2022 Vendor Assessment. The company was also recognized for a third year in a row as a fast-growing company on Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™, honored by Best in Biz Awards for its third consecutive year and listed on the 2022 Inc. 5000.
Über BillingPlatform, Corp.
Die flexible Revenue-Management-Plattform von BillingPlatform gibt innovativen Unternehmen die Freiheit, Produkte und Dienstleistungen effektiv zu monetarisieren und bereitzustellen, die zu Wachstum und Wettbewerbsdifferenzierung führen. Unsere branchenführende, cloudbasierte Plattform passt sich an jedes einzigartige Geschäftsmodell und jede Preisstruktur an. Mit globalen Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen, einschließlich Kommunikation, Transport, Fertigung, Bankwesen, Technologie, Energie, Medien und Software, verarbeitet BillingPlatform jedes Jahr Milliarden von Transaktionen und Dollars und ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ihre Einnahmen zu steigern, Kosten zu senken und die allgemeine Kundenerfahrung zu verbessern. Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie