BillingPlatform configures solution for LiveTV Satellite Communications, LLC for invoicing and charging in-flight, high-speed data and telephony services.


In February 2013, BillingPlatform successfully configured a solution for LiveTV Satellite Communications, LLC to begin invoicing in-flight, high-speed data and telephony satellite services, referred to as “LiveAero”, on a variety of private and charter aircraft, as well as helicopters.

The solution was configured to accept data from Iridium’s global satellite network and provide billing services to customers for worldwide voice and data traffic. With this new system, LiveTV Satellite Communications will have the ability to track communications equipment inventory as it moves from plane to plane. Also implemented, and equally important, the BillingPlatform “LiveAero” configuration will allow tracking of aircraft ownership by tail number, supplying a vital piece of information needed to assist in troubleshooting billing and inventory issues in this dynamic environment. LiveAero is now able to leverage BillingPlatform’s customizable UI, Data Model and Rating to create a cloud-based application that fits their unique needs without compromise.

LiveTV Satellite Communications, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of LiveTV, LLC; the world’s leading provider of live in-flight entertainment and connectivity systems for commercial airlines.

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