Neuer Kunde: Shanghai Shrine Telecom wurde von Shanghai Shrine Telecom ausgewählt, um umfassende Abrechnungs- und Monetarisierungsfunktionen für seine... wurde von Shanghai Shrine Telecom ausgewählt, um umfassende Abrechnungs- und Monetarisierungsfunktionen für seine...
BRM Systems Launches New Brand Identity, Highlighting Transformation to a Platform as a Service Company Driving...
Like many other applications such as CRM, cloud billing solutions are becoming a favorable alternative to...
Having relevant information at your fingertips is one of the core factors in increased productivity and...
BillingPlatform announces today that it nowe provides complete integration with GlobalCollect, the European leader in Payment...
Affinity VideoNet has selected BillingPlatform to enable its next-generation, Video Communication Services. BillingPlatform's unique ability to... has added Payflow Pro to the list of available Payment Merchant Gateway integrations to enable...
\Express Virtual Meetings is a leading vendor of teleconferencing services in Australia and New Zealand and...
We are excited to welcome BridgeTalk as a new customer on Bridge Talk is a... Enhances Product Catalog and Rate Management with the Introduction of Shared Rate Plans. has...
BillingPlatform has released completely extendable web service API functionality to allow for unlimited integration and customization...