The new momentum around cloud computing is a natural counterpart to the historic, global, technological progression we are experiencing today. It is becoming the norm for small businesses and is slowly gaining popularity with large enterprises.

PAAS Leader

Ultimately, Platform-as-a-Service (PAAS) offerings are becoming the cloud’s answer to the scalability problem – offering a highly configurable solution focused around generic business functions such as AP, CRM or Billing. Software-as-a-Service is still alive and well with companies like Salesforce owning the industry. It’s newer PAAS players like BillingPlatform that are taking on a more leading role.

The Power of PAAS

The goal of good business software today is to assist your company in staying ahead of the competition as an innovative leader. It aspires to help companies drive demand and market capitalization by facilitating good ideas instead of undermining them. With BillingPlatform’s cloud billing offering, the deployment of PAAS reduces the cost of change by making your lightweight cloud implementation as robust and specific as it needs to be to support your initiatives.

The overall foundation of the BillingPlatform system is to provide ultimate flexibility and security through a robust PAAS system. It is designed for rapid response to change with a focus on clients’ specific business functions. The BillingPlatform system is an excellent example of how a PAAS can support as many changes as necessary to remain flexible.

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