A Complete Solution that Grows with You

Are you looking for an alternative to Chargebee
to help manage your growing business?

Chargebee may say it’s easy to scale your revenue stack for each stage of growth, but beware, these are a few of the limitations that will prevent your business from growing without significant custom coding.


Here are a few questions to consider:

QUESTION #1 Is Chargebee the best solution to manage the entire quote-to-cash process?

  • Sure, Chargebee provides the basics to support your billing needs, but it doesn’t extend to the entire quote-to-cash process. Without built-in configure, price and quote (CPQ) capabilities or revenue recognition, Chargebee comes up short.
  • BillingPlatform is the only enterprise-grade solution that provides full lifecycle support of the monetization process – including everything from product setup, quoting, billing and invoicing to revenue recognition, all the way through payment and collections. Learn the cost comparison and benefits of migrating from Chargebee when considering a billing solution to manage your business.

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QUESTION #2 Can Chargebee offer flexible charging models beyond flat monthly pricing or billing based on usage?

  • Chargebee may support basic subscriptions and usage-based billing, but if you’d like to charge based on multiple conditions or take different attributes into account, you’re out of luck.
  • BillingPlatform comes with dynamic rating and charging capabilities that allow you to bill for any criteria based on Excel-like formula-based calculations.

QUESTION #3 What if my business changes, can Chargebee change with it?

The ability to configure your solution is a critical design principle that provides for future growth.

  • With Chargebee, you get a hardcoded solution with limited options designed to support your exact business needs.
  • BillingPlatform puts the power of change in your hands with an extensible architecture that supports any business model, pricing model or business initiative, all with no-code, point & click configurability.

Consider the only solution that grows with your business, offering unlimited scale and revenue potential.

BillingPlatform is the most complete, agile and cost-effective enterprise billing and monetization solution on the market. We enable companies to grow by solving business problems rapidly through configuration of the application instead of nickel and diming you with the myriad of inflexible modules offered by other cloud-based systems. Our approach to supporting growth is to offer a flexible platform and a complete quote-to-cash solution so customers can focus on innovation and growth vs. maintenance and development.

See the cost savings and benefits of migrating from Chargebee and how it will help to grow your business.

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