Product-led Growth

Product-led Growth

Empower your Product-Led Growth Strategy with Flexible Billing Solutions

Maximize your product-led growth strategy with BillingPlatform. Our solutions streamline billing processes, offer detailed usage insights, and adapt to your pricing needs.

Core Capabilities

Transform Your Billing Strategy to Drive Product-Led Growth with BillingPlatform

Freemium and Trial Management

Easily manage freemium models and trial periods with flexible billing setups

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Flexible Subscription Management

Handle diverse subscription models and adapt billing to user needs

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Detailed Analytics

Leverage accurate, historical data to optimize user experiences and drive growth

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Automated Billing Workflows

Streamline billing operations with automated processes for efficiency

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Customizable Pricing Models

Adapt pricing structures to fit various business models and user needs

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Customer Stories

“Because of BillingPlatform’s extensive integration capabilities coupled with an in-depth security and controls library, the company has added new subscription and charge methods, such as automatic renewals, over-consumption charges, and credit on-record features.”

Magin Arias Colmenero, Clear Channel

International IT Services Manager

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“Our partnership with BillingPlatform provides us with a configurable solution that fits into our broader revenue lifecycle ecosystem to help us meet our complex billing needs, initially for our Treasury Services and Trade Finance business. BillingPlatform will be an integral part of our transformation to streamline the customer experience.”

Jill Jensen, J.P. Morgan Payments Technology

Managing Director

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“We look forward to partnering with BillingPlatform to extend our reach to even more businesses and provide best-in-class billing and payment technology to our joint customers.”

Andrew Gilboy, GoCardless

General Manager, North America

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“We selected BillingPlatform because it is an enterprise-grade solution that can seamlessly and efficiently support our diverse billing requirements. BillingPlatform’s functionality, including its ability to defer revenue with automated revenue recognition and scalability, supports operational efficiencies so we can focus on delivering new solutions across our customer base.”

Brian Herb, CCC Intelligent Solutions

Chief Financial Officer

Freemium and Trial Management

Optimize Freemium and Trial Experiences with Efficient Management Tools

Manage freemium models and trial periods effectively to drive user acquisition and engagement. With BillingPlatform, you can set up and track various freemium and trial configurations, ensuring smooth transitions to paid plans.

Our system provides robust tools for monitoring user activity, managing trial conversions, and adjusting billing settings as needed.

  • Trial Configuration: Easily configure trial periods with customizable settings to match your business requirements
  • Conversion Tracking: Monitor user progress from free to paid plans and assess the effectiveness of your freemium strategy
  • Automated Upgrades: Seamlessly transition users from trials to subscriptions with automated billing adjustments

Flexible Subscription Management

Efficiently Manage Diverse Subscription Models with Flexibility

Handle a wide range of subscription models effortlessly with BillingPlatform. Our flexible subscription management features allow you to set up and manage various billing schedules, tiers and user preferences.

Harness product-led growth to adapt to changing business needs and customer demands with ease, ensuring a seamless billing experience for all users.

  • Tiered Pricing: Implement and manage multiple subscription tiers with different features and pricing structures
  • Flexible Billing Cycles: Offer various billing cycles, including monthly, quarterly, or annually, to accommodate customer preferences
  • Subscription Modifications: Easily adjust subscription plans, add-ons, or features as needed based on user feedback and business requirements

Detailed Analytics

Leverage Data to Drive Growth and Optimize User Experience

Utilize sophisticated analytics to gain valuable insights into user behavior, billing patterns and growth metrics. Our  analytics tools provide dynamic reporting and data visualization to help you make informed decisions, optimize your product-led growth strategies and enhance user satisfaction.

  • Behavior Insights: Analyze user interactions and billing patterns to identify trends and opportunities for growth
  • Performance Metrics: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the success of your product-led strategies
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Use data to refine your approaches and improve overall user experience

Automated Billing Workflows

Streamline Billing Operations with Automated Workflows for Efficiency

Automate your billing processes to enhance efficiency and reduce manual errors. Automated workflows simplify tasks such as invoicing, payment collection, and subscription management, allowing you to focus on strategic growth initiatives and improve operational efficiency.

  • Automated Invoicing: Generate and send invoices automatically based on predefined schedules and billing rules
  • Efficient Payment Collection: Streamline payment collection processes with automated reminders and follow-ups
  • Subscription Management: Manage subscriptions and renewals with automated workflows to minimize manual intervention

Customizable Pricing Models

Adapt and Implement Diverse Pricing Models with Ease

Create and manage a variety of pricing models tailored to your business needs using BillingPlatform. Our system supports flexible pricing structures, including tiered, volume-based and usage-based models, enabling you to adapt to market demands and customer preferences effectively.

  • Tiered Pricing: Set up and manage different pricing tiers based on user segments or product features
  • Volume-Based Pricing: Implement pricing models that adjust based on usage volume or purchase quantities
  • Custom Pricing Structures: Design and apply custom pricing models to meet specific business requirements and customer needs