Gestion des comptes

Gestion des comptes

Build Long-Term Customer Relationships with a 360° Customer View

BillingPlatform equips you with essential tools to manage customer relationships and deliver a frictionless customer experience. Gain a unified view of key customer information, supporting n-tier account hierarchies, complex contract management and partner settlements to ensure account health.

Additionally, our self-service customer portal empowers your customers to quickly see invoices, review outstanding balances, make payments and more, enhancing overall satisfaction and efficiency

Capacités de base

Account Overview

Get a complete view of your customer accounts and activities

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Hiérarchies des comptes

Model complex account hierarchies to support consolidated invoicing

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Contract Management

Manage contract rates and terms and set rules to automate future changes

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Partner Settlements

Streamline partner management with automated revenue allocation

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Customer Self-Service Portal

Give customers the power to help themselves with a self-service portal

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"Otava s'engage à créer un environnement propice à la réussite de ses clients, et BillingPlatform soutient notre capacité à fournir les options dont nos clients ont besoin. L'échelle du nuage, la configurabilité sans code, les intégrations et la capacité de la plateforme à prendre en charge nos exigences de facturation complexes s'alignent sur notre approche et soutiendront en fin de compte notre croissance."

Austin Cook, Otava

Vice-président chargé des finances et du contrôle de gestion

paiements mobiles
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"Notre partenariat avec BillingPlatform nous offre une solution configurable qui s'intègre dans notre écosystème plus large de cycle de vie des revenus pour nous aider à répondre à nos besoins de facturation complexes, initialement pour nos activités de services de trésorerie et de financement du commerce. BillingPlatform fera partie intégrante de notre transformation visant à rationaliser l'expérience client."

Jill Jensen, J.P. Morgan Payments Technology

Directeur général

plate-forme de facturation ccc
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"Nous avons choisi BillingPlatform parce qu'il s'agit d'une solution d'entreprise qui peut prendre en charge de manière transparente et efficace nos diverses exigences en matière de facturation. Les fonctionnalités de BillingPlatform, y compris sa capacité à différer les revenus avec la reconnaissance automatisée des revenus et l'évolutivité, soutiennent l'efficacité opérationnelle afin que nous puissions nous concentrer sur la fourniture de nouvelles solutions à travers notre base de clients.

Brian Herb, CCC Intelligent Solutions

Directeur financier

confirmation de paiement gocardless
gocardless logo 2022

"Nous nous réjouissons de notre partenariat avec BillingPlatform qui nous permettra d'atteindre encore plus d'entreprises et d'offrir à nos clients communs une technologie de facturation et de paiement de premier ordre."

Andrew Gilboy, GoCardless

Directeur général, Amérique du Nord

Account Overview

Robust and Flexible Functionality to Empower Account Managers, Enabling Them to Effectively Oversee Accounts and Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

With comprehensive account details and real-time customer activity insights, your team has immediate access to data that aids in identifying aging accounts, tracking payment trends, reviewing payment history, adjusting billing terms and more. This ensures they can consistently deliver an outstanding customer experience.

Hiérarchies des comptes

Empowering Account Management with Flexible Functionality for Exceptional Customer Service

BillingPlatform provides powerful account hierarchy capabilities tailored for managing complex enterprise structures. Enjoy complete flexibility in defining hierarchies, setting default rates and managing the entire rating process. Easily integrate smaller business units as sub-accounts under larger parent companies.

Additionally, you can define default rates and manage diverse rating scenarios for sub-accounts. Effortlessly configure wholesale and retail rates for end customers, independently managing retail rates regardless of the charging method.

Contract Management

Streamlined Contract Management with Flexible Rates, Multi-Currency Support and Automated Invoicing

Enjoy flexible contract management capabilities for effortless handling of contract rates and payment terms. Easily set customer-specific pricing, define rules and categorize rate classes by currency within a unified system that manages billing, invoicing and payments.

Manage multiple contracts and terms within accounts, including the ability to apply multiple currencies within the same contract. Streamline invoicing with consolidated invoices based on configurable rules.

Ensure compliance with future contract terms by scheduling rate changes in advance, preventing missed deadlines and unmet terms.

Partner Settlements

Simplify Enterprise Partnership Calculations with Automated Settlements

We recognize partnerships as vital strategies for enterprise growth, facilitating market expansion and revenue diversification.

BillingPlatform simplifies this process by automating partner settlements through precise tracking of transaction details and calculating revenue shares based on predefined agreements.

Customer Self-Service Portal

Customer Self-Service Portal

Empower customers with convenient 24/7 access to view account information, invoices and make payments from any computer, tablet or mobile device. Customize the portal at the user level to offer a personalized experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.