Integrated CPQ & Billing Driving Velocity into Your Quote to Cash Process

CPQ and billing

As global markets return to some degree of normalcy, enterprises are frantically trying to capitalize on new market opportunities, while further differentiating themselves from their competitors. How are they doing this? Based on a recent survey of “Trends in Finance” conducted by BillingPlatform, more than half of the respondents indicated that launching new products/services in 2021 would be critical to driving revenue growth.

With more and more enterprises expanding their product line-up, the need for delivering accurate and timely proposals to customers has never been more important. To avoid any issues, ask yourself the following questions:

• Does your business offer a wide range of highly customizable products and services?
• Is your sales team managing quotes with manual processes?
• Are you experiencing errors in pricing proposals?
• Is your proposal process slowing time to revenue?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, join this session to learn how to simplify the quote-to-cash journey for your organization.

Watch now to learn more.

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